System Messages

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001: PIN error: enter PIN [AT#CPIN=XXXX]

A wrong PIN code has been used to open the SIM card

002: SIM card locked: enter [AT#CPIN=PUK,NEWPIN]

Wrong PIn code entered 3 times, use the PUK to unlock the SIM card

003: SIM card not detected

SIM card is missing

004: SIM card failure

SIM card or SIM card holder are defective


101: Console permanently locked

A wrong password has been entered 10 times

to protect sensitive data the console interface is permanently locked

102: Initialization in progress

Wait until the device initialization has been completed

103: Console access unlocked

Console access granted, it’s possible to enter commands and to edit entries

104: Console access locked

Console access closed, local commands and editing are not allowed from now on

105: Trace Enabled

Command executed, log trace will be issued to com port from now on

106: Trace Disabled

Command executed, log trace will not be issued to com port from now on

109: Wrong pin

A wrong password has been entered

ERROR 110: Console access not allowed

Local commands and editing are not allowed until console access is granted

ERROR 111: Missing VERSION

There is no version information stored into the unit

ERROR 112: Missing DEVICE

There is no device information stored into the unit


There is no manufacturing date information stored into the unit

ERROR 114: Missing NOTES

There are no annotations stored into the unit

ERROR 115: Format error or invalid parameter

Command AT#SIZE has been entered using wrong parameter / format

ERROR 116: STATUS command not executed

Command AT#STATUS has been entered using wrong parameter / format


201: Clip simulation accepted

Command AT#CLIP has been executed successfully

202: Output command executed

Command AT#OUT has been executed successfully

ERROR 211: Format error or invalid parameter

Command AT#CLIP has been entered using wrong parameter / format

ERROR 212: Format error or invalid parameter

Command AT#OUT has been entered using wrong parameter / format

ERROR 213: Format error or wrong parameters

Command AT#IN has been entered using wrong parameter / format

ERROR 214: RF OFF failure

Command AT#NETOFF aborted

ERROR 215: New registration failure

Command AT#NETNEW aborted

ERROR 216: DIVERT rejected

Command AT#DIVERT not completed

ERROR 217: NODIVERT rejected

Command AT#NODIVERT not completed

ERROR 218: WAY rejected

Command AT#WAY not completed

ERROR 219: APN parameter not set

Command AT#WAY not executed, missing APN setting


ERROR 251: SMS command not executed

Command AT#SMS aborted

ERROR 251: TWEET command not executed

Command AT#SMS aborted

ERROR 252: mail queue full

Commands AT#EMAIL AT#LOGEMAIL not executed, too many messages waiting to be sent

ERROR 253: recipient address not found

Commands AT#EMAIL AT#LOGEMAIL not executed, the recipient's address is missing


ERROR 271: Format error or wrong parameters

Command AT#BEEP has been entered using wrong parameter / format

ERROR 272: Format error or wrong parameters

Command AT#MELODY has been entered using wrong parameter / format

ERROR 273: Missing device audio file

Command AT#SPEECH not executed: specific audio file is missing

ERROR 274: Missing recipient audio file

Command AT#SPEECH not executed: specific audio file is missing

ERROR 275: Missing event audio file

Command AT#SPEECH not executed: specific audio file is missing

ERROR 276: Missing custom DTMF audio file

Command AT#SPEECH not executed: some audio files are missing

ERROR 277: Missing custom audio file

Command AT#SPEECH not executed: some audio files are missing

ERROR 278: Format error or wrong parameters

Command AT#SPEECH has been entered using wrong parameter / format


ERROR 301: Format error, wrong parameters

Command AT#APN has been entered using wrong parameter / format

ERROR 302: Format error, wrong parameters

Command AT#THR has been entered using wrong parameter / format

ERROR 303: Scheduled operation set before current time

Scheduled operation to be executed once has been set before current time, rejected


ERROR 320: Previous command still in progress

Command AT#CONFIG issued before completion of previous one

ERROR 321: Wrong configuration parameter

Command AT#WRITE has been entered using wrong parameter / format

ERROR 322: Invalid group or index value

Command AT#WRITE has been entered specifying an index outside allowable range

ERROR 323: Missing argument

Command AT#WRITE has been entered without some mandatory parameters

ERROR 324: Format error, wrong parameters

Command AT#ADD has been entered using wrong parameter / format

ERROR 325: Operation still in progress

Command AT#ADD issued before completion of previous one

ERROR 326: Format error, wrong parameters

Command AT#ADD has been entered using wrong parameter / format

ERROR 327: Missing argument

Command AT#ADD has been entered without some mandatory parameters

ERROR 328: Phonebook full

Command AT#ADD rejected: the Phonebook is full

ERROR 329: Operation still in progress

Command AT#DEL issued before completion of previous one

ERROR 330: Format error, wrong parameters

Command AT#DEL has been entered using wrong parameter / format

ERROR 331: Missing argument

Command AT#DEL has been entered without some mandatory parameters

ERROR 371: Twitter Registration Failed

Command AT#TWITTER aborted

ERROR 372: Operation still in progress

Command AT#TWITTER issued before completion of previous one

ERROR 373: Device Id contain @. Please remove

Command AT#TWITTER: account must be entered without leading @ character

ERROR 374: Parameter is not a phone number

Command AT#TWITTER: operator shortcode must be a valid phone number

ERROR 375: GPRS not available

Command AT#TWITTER aborted: data network not available

ERROR 376: Insert APN first

Command AT#TWITTER not executed, missing APN setting

ERROR 377: Insert Device Name first

Command AT#TWITTER not executed, missing device name required to create account

ERROR 378: Operation still in progress

Command AT#TWITTER issued before completion of previous one