Every hour on working days (excluding Saturdays and Sundays) forces the update to cloud and sends an email with the average and maximum values of the last measurement period for analog input 4.


$D16(12345 WEEKDAY ( 12345


AT#EMAIL=mark@home.com,"$A41: $A42 ($A44)$A46"

trigger event occurs every hour at minute 00 (**00) .

The first condition checked is that the current day is included among those indicated 12345, i.e. from Monday to Friday.

The first action contains the command that forces the upload of all changed parameters to cloud.

The second action contains the command that sends an EMAIL to the address mark@home.com with the subject:
TAG $A41 that is the name assigned to analog input 4
TAG $A42 that is the average value measured by analogue input 4
TAG $A44 that is the maximum value measured by analog input 4
TAG $A46 that is the unit of measurement of analogue input 4
The text will look something like this:
Current: 12 (15)A


At the end of each measurement period, suppose set to 60 minutes (i.e. 1 hour), store the average value measured by analog input 3 in a file.


AT#AFILE=S:LOGS/$A31.txt,T,"$D15: $A32 $A36"

trigger event is the end of the analog input 3 measurement period.

The first action contains the command that appends to the Current.txt file ($A31 that is the name assigned to analog input 3) in the LOGS folder of the S: (SD card) a line containing:
TAG $ D14 which is the current day
TAG $ D15 which is the current time
TAG $ A32 that is the average value measured by analogue input 3
TAG $ A36 that is the unit of measurement of analog input 3
The contents of the file will be something like this:
182050: 6.2 A/h
192050: 5.8 A/h
202050: 6.2 A/h